Turtles are free (2010) - Aquaria KLCC

Turtles are free (2010)

The final effort in aquariaKLCC’s Turtle Conservation Campaign, ‘Turtles Are Free’ revolves on three Green Turtles; Cruise, Duke, and Mertie. The turtles will be satellite tagged and released into the ocean. Cruise will be released in Cherating Beach, Pahang whereas the other two turtles will be greeted by the coast of Cagar Hutang, Pulau Redang in parallel time. The satellite tags on the turtles will enable researchers to gather essential information on their location, dive time and the routes these turtles take to feed after nesting. The tags by no means cause any harm to the turtles as the satellite tag is placed on the shell of the turtle. The ‘Turtles Are Free’ program includes a donation drive in Aquaria KLCC and 55 The Body Shop outlets. For as little as RM2.50, we are able to save one turtle egg from human consumption. The funds from the campaign will be used to purchase harvested turtle eggs from local fishermen, nurturing the eggs at the Turtle Sanctuary and finally releasing the matured turtles back into the sea.